Nozus: Changing the API to Node JS and Sails

So after futzing around with ASP.Net 5/MVC 6 for a bit and becoming frustrated with attempting to implement token based auth, I decide to switch over to Node JS using Sails as an alternative for my API.

Why Sails?  I took a look at it a few months back and was impressed with the easy setup and Waterline ORM. I then had a recent job opportunity where the client was using Sails.  I passed on the opportunity but decided to review Sails again. The combination of convention with easy overrides is super productive and flexible.  Additionally, the documentation is well done for an OSS framework.

I look forward to the eventual rollout of ASP.Net 5, but it’s still under heavy dev and what works one day doesn’t on the next pull.  This is totally understandable but I’m ready to move along and get something working.  I’m already biting off a fair amount of learnin’ by attempting Node and Aurelia.  So without further ado, I’ve added the following growing list of articles on setting up Nozus in node, including examples in GitHub.

Nozus JS Preface: Sails with Passport and JWT – Ermahgerd!

Nozus JS 1: Intro to Sails with Passport and JWT (JSON Web Token) Auth

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